Creating The Ultimate Blend
Updated: Jun 5, 2023
After deciding to start an indie game studio, I spent more time than I'd like to admit sifting the internet for words that pieced together purrfectly - it was like doing a puzzle that hadn't been printed yet.
First, a theme needed to be decided, I like cats and coffee so let's make the theme that.
Okay. But I can't just call the studio "Cats and Coffee" it's a little plain and definitely doesn't get anyone's attention. After far too much time looking at cat and coffee puns, I came up with "Purrfect Brew Productions". It, in my opinion, was the perfect mesh of puns and alliteration.
To solidify the branding of a games studio a logo is needed - my idea? Cat in a coffee cup.
I started by getting some AI-generated images of a cat in a coffee cup in an abstract style and these were the results:
Of these, the first one was my favourite and I decided to use that jumping point for the logo for "Purrfect Brew Productions".
Above are some of the iterations that the logo went through during the designing process. You can see I quickly had a strong sense of what I wanted the logo to be and it didn't take long before it was only minimal changes being made.
As you can see above, originally I was going for a three-toned logo in brown to match the coffee colour. When playing around with this logo at different sizes I found that it became quite muddy at smaller sizes.
To solve this issue I decided to make it black and white:
This not only fixed the muddy issue but also made the logo look cleaner overall. Having fewer colours and focusing more on shape helps the logo be recognisable no matter the colour.
With a name and logo for this game studio all that's left is to make a game!